January Peer Reviews

January Peer Reviews are here!! (6:15pm – 8:15pm)

Burlesque Peer Reviews are an opportunity to further develop or assist with the creation of both old and new routines! Hosted by Cherry Cheeks, this is an event for community and performer growth.

Join us with a routine in progress or one you want to build upon and receive honest feedback. This is a safe space for your creativity and growth while sharing honest questions about your choices and insights.

Don’t have something to workshop but want to be involved? Come on by with your feedback! Only have a concept or costume? Bring that too!

There are 6 spots available for performers to present their routines, so if you are interested in presenting, please message Cherry Cheeks to get your name on the list. All levels welcome. Workshopping available by a recommended $5.00 – $10.00 donation to help cover studio costs. We want burlesque education & growth to be accessible for everyone & not limited by finances.

Spaces are limited, so please PM Cherry Cheeks if attending, though last-minute drop in spots may open!

We look forward to seeing you January 19th at Wild Roots Dance Studio! ????


Wild Roots Dance Studio has a set of stairs to get to the studio. If mobility is an issue, please reach out to Cherry Cheeks and we will see how we can assist you.

Soul Seduction Part 1: The Inner Story Of Prayerformance

To sign up for this class, please complete this brief class registration:

Cost for 6 x 120 minute sessions
(12 hours of teaching + 12 hours of at home practice):
-$200 if paid in full by date of class start
-$250 for two payments of $125 each

Soul Seduction: The Inner Story of Prayerformance

> Wednesday Evenings 7:30pm – 9:30pm

> November 6th – December 11th 2019

> #209-734 Aldebury Street, Victoria BC, V9A 4V1

*This class series takes place on unceded land of the Lekwungen speaking peoples, commonly known today as the Esquimalt and Songhees nation. We give gratitude to the indigenous leaders, the ancestors, and earth ambassadors for continuing the process of reconciliation and healing.*

What is the inner story you tell yourself?

Unleash the fullness of who you are through Soul Seduction. If you have ever desired a safe container for you to explore seduction, embodiment, sexuality, performance art, burlesque, and soulful connection, this class has been especially created for you.

Whether you identify as man, woman, or on the spectrum of non-binary androgyny, you are encouraged to release your most delicious self with a group of incredibly supportive individuals. From primal to passion, masculine to feminine, and the space between all duality, we come together to remember the core essence of what it means to be human, and how to translate this in everyday life, as well as performance art.

Prepare to get in touch with your body, heal your inner story, learn burlesque and performance techniques, and get seriously sassy while discovering your fullest expression of self. Let’s celebrate our masculinity, our femininity, and our androgyny together in a collective exploration of what Soul Seduction is all about!

Whether or not you want to perform, this series will create a new foundational relationship with yourself to understand the energy that all of us embody.

An overview of what to expect:

Week 1: Primal Awakening
How our human instincts fuels our soul seduction

Week 2: Intimacy
Discovering intimacy allows us to feel our soul

Week 3: Sensuality
How sensuality permits our soul to be in our body

Week 4: Sexuality
Channeling sexual energy into the heart and beyond

Week 5: Seduction
Creating full body seduction, both on and off stage

Week 6: Prayerformance
Using your seduction to inspire and elevate your art


Devaiya Ra is a multi-talented burlesque prayerformance artist who has brought his offerings across the west coast for many years. From burlesque events to festivals stretching down the coast to California, Devaiya’s presence has inspired many people to embrace the fullness of their masculine, feminine, and androgynous non-binary energies through Soul Seduction and beyond. Devaiya Ra is a dancer, yogi, energy healer, soul coach, and website/brand developer based in Victoria BC Canada.

Special Offering:
*Book a private 90 minute Energy Healing session for $70*

In love, light, and gratitude – I look forward to sharing space with you!

Devaiya Ra
Prayerformance Artist

Cover Photo Photography by Emilee Wilson Creative

Soul Seduction Part 2: Your Story On Stage

Monday Evenings: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
November 4th – December 9th 2019
Wild Roots Dance & Yoga:
#209-734 Aldebury Street, Victoria BC, V9A 4V1

The cost of Soul Seduction Part 2: Your Story on Stage is:
$250 if paid in full by the first date of class
$300 if paid in two payments of $150 each

*This class is limited to 12 people only*

Please etransfer devaiya.ra@gmail.com and complete this Google form to confirm your registration:



*This class series takes place on unceded land of the Lekwungen speaking peoples, commonly known today as the Esquimalt Songhees nation. We give gratitude to the indigenous leaders, the ancestors, and earth ambassadors for continuing the process of reconciliation and healing.*

Diving deeper into the Soul Seduction series, you are invited to embody your heArt through creating a prayerformance from the depth of your soul.

>Are you ready to bring your truth on stage to an audience?

>Are you ready to understand how to work with stage energy?

>Are you curious how media presence can be a tool for transformation?

>Are you ready to create a prayerformance offering for the world to see?

In this class, we will combine embodiment practices with performance technique in a safe container for you to receive and remember the power and potential that you are, both on and off the stage. You are encouraged to create a prayerformance that is intended to be shared in two special ways: A debut showcase, and a powerful video / photography event.

In Soul Seduction Part 1: The Art of Burlesque and Prayerformance, we collectively learn the important aspects of Primal energy, Intimacy, Sensuality, Sexuality, Seduction, and Prayerformance. Part 1 of this series is focused on reclaiming these energies for yourself, so that you know how to utilize them in every aspect of your life.

Soul Seduction Part 2: Your Story on Stage takes the inner reclamation into a new layer of opportunity where you will learn how to create a debut number from the delicious depth of your soul. Together, we will fuse all of the aspects of Part 1 into a unique prayerformance opportunity which will be showcased for your friends and family to see you in the fullness of your expression!

>>Do I have to take Part 1 before I take Part 2?
If you are an experienced performer and feel confident with the inner work you have reclaimed, you are invited to join Part 2 so that you can focus your presence on the outer work, on stage. All that is asked is for you to send Devaiya a Google form response expressing your intentions and it will be openly received. You are encouraged to look at Part 1 as an opportunity to dive deep into the core of yourself to reclaim power, purpose, and presence for yourself first and foremost.

>>What will I receive through this class series?
You will receive 12 hours of in-studio time to create a debut prayerformance number. Technique and Performance development will be a main focus, as well as outfit creation and visioning. Alongside 12 hours of studio time, you will be encouraged to practice and refine your vision at home so that you can bring your prayerformance to the stage in our December showcase, which will include professional videography and photography.


In light love, this offering awaits you!

Devaiya Ra
Prayerformance Artist